Git commands

Sure, let's simplify:

  1. Git config: Set up your name and email with Git.

  2. Git init: Start a new Git repository.

  3. Git clone: Copy a repository from somewhere, like GitHub.

  4. Git add: Prepare changes to be saved.

  5. Git status: Check what's happening in your repository.

  6. Git commit: Save your changes with a message.

  7. Git clean: Remove untracked files.

  8. Git version: Check which version of Git you're using.

For branching and merging:

  1. Git branch: See what branches exist.

  2. Git checkout: Switch to a different branch.

  3. Git switch: Also switch branches.

  4. Git merge: Combine changes from different branches.

  5. Git stash: Temporarily save changes you're not ready to commit.

Advanced Git commands:

  1. Git reset: Go back to a specific point in time.

  2. Git revert: Undo changes by creating a new commit.

Creating a Git repository and pushing to GitHub:

  1. Install Git and set up a GitHub account.

  2. Create a new repository on GitHub.

  3. Create a local Git repository and add files.

  4. Connect your local repository to the GitHub repository.

  5. Push your changes to GitHub.